IRECOOP ER is the vocational training centre of Confcooperative Emilia-Romagna, the Confcooperative regional level association representing cooperatives societies.
It was created in 1979 to meet the training needs of the regional cooperative system and nowadays it represents a reference point for the associated cooperatives, offering a wide range of training programmes designed to meet the needs of members, directors, managers and employees of co-operatives regionally.
Besides services to cooperative enterprises, Irecoop provides support and guidance to private persons, identifying targeted tools and actions to address specific training needs and requests, both in the professional as the personal sphere.
- to be a tool for the development of new skills and for the innovation of the local productive background, starting from the cooperative enterprises and their members;
- to develop, promote and disseminate the co-operative culture and its principles;
- to support people professional growth in order to access the labour market, particularly in the main economic sectors where the cooperative enterprises are most developed: agribusiness, social enterprises, logistics, credit.
For further details please contact the International Projects Office – Gemma Pinzani – pinzanig@irecoop.it
IRECOOP main areas of action are:
- Education and Training: vocational training and guidance; refresher and specialization courses;
- Guidance and support services to self-entrepreneurship;
- Specialized consulting to cooperatives and enterprises
- Tailored training activities for co-operatives
- Co-operative Education – in secondary schools;
- Support to enter the job market
- International projects
For further details please contact the International Projects Office – Gemma Pinzani – pinzanig@irecoop.it
Irecoop promotes and spreads the values of the Cooperative System in Italy and abroad thanks to a dedicated department that works on European and international projects. In the last few years new important partnerships , projects and exchanges with several foreign countries has been developed.
In particular, at international level Irecoop:
- participates in European Projects, focusing on:
- lifelong learning;
- co-operative entrepreneurship and promotion of the cooperative model as self-entrepreneurship opportunity;
- integration through work of disadvantaged people;
- dissemination of cooperative culture;
- cooperative education;
- guidance to self-entrepreneurship;
- welcomes foreign delegations interested in getting in touch with the Cooperative System in Emilia Romagna and in meeting its best practices (CoopAgroTour – CoopSocTour);
- organizes study visits abroad for the associated coop;
- supports co-operative enterprises to set up and manage transnational projects on different social, health, work, culture, organizational innovation related topics;
- provides targeted training interventions addressed to co-operative enterprises to train the internal staffs on the access to EU Funds;
- provides internships’ opportunities abroad offering to young people the chance to spend a working experience abroad within cooperatives, or within sectors where the cooperative enterprises are most developed;
- organizes workshops on internationalization opportunities;
- support the associated cooperatives to extend their businesses, approaching new markets abroad.
For further details please contact the International Projects Office – Gemma Pinzani – pinzanig@irecoop.it